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Music: The Food of Life & Love

   Music is an essential part of every culture and I believe that it is important to bring a spotlight to the sounds and melodies that make our world go round. As I write posts about the movies that I've watched, I will be adding a song from the corresponding soundtrack below that helps accentuate the unique flavors that each movie brings to the table!

1. The Hundred-Foot Journey (2014)
"Afreen" - A. R. Rahman

2. Babette's Feast (1987)
"The Dinner Guests Take Leave" - Per Norgard

3. Mostly Martha (2001)
"Country" - Keith Jarrett

4. Soylent Green (1973)
"Main Theme" - Fred Myrow

5. Como Agua Para Chocolate (1992)
"Ojos de Juventud" - Arturo Tolentino

6. What's Cooking? (2000)
"Wipeout" - Craig Pruess

7. Woman On Top (2000)
"Nos Bracos de Isabel" - Paulinho Moska

8. Chocolat (2000)
"Vianne Sets Up Shop" - Rachel Portman

9. Tortilla Soup (2001)
"Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps" - Lila Downs

10. Eat Drink Man Woman (1994)
"Who's With Me" - Mader

11. Soul Food (1997)
"A Song For Mama" - Boys II Men

12. Once Upon A Time When We Were Colored (1995)
"Maybe Tomorrow" - Lionel Cole

13. Big Night (1996)
"Stornelli  Amorosi"- Claudio Villa

14. Dinner Rush (2000)
"Wack Wack"- Young-Holt Unlimited

15. Soul Kitchen (2009)
"Rated X"- Kool & The Gang


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